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Employee Ownership Trust Webinars & Podcasts
We have a range of Webinars & Podcasts that you may find useful. If you need any further information contact our experts Garry Karch, on and Akshay Vaghela, on
Book a FREE consultation with one of our experts
1. Doyle Clayton's Head of EOT Services, Garry Karch talks with Peter Doyle, CEO of Doyle Clayton. Doyle Clayton became employee owned in 2019 and was one of the first UK law firms to be majority owned by an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT).
You can also listen to our webinar as a podcast.
2. Selling Your Business to its Employees - In this 45 minute webinar, Garry Karch introduces EOT's and the advantages owners have when selling their company to its employees over venture capital or a trade sale.
3. The Pros and cons of selling your business to an EOT
Join Garry and Robin in this podcast as they discuss the benefits and drawbacks of converting your company to this business structure.
4. The Roles and Responsibilities of EOT Trustees
Join Garry Karch and Andrew Campbell as they discuss the roles and responsibilities of the trustee and trustee directors in the context of an EOT.
FREE Employee Ownership Trust guide - become an expert!
Garry Karch's guide EOT – A Practical Guide to the Employee Ownership Trust is a 'must read' for any business thinking of converting to an EOT business structure.
This practical guide outlines why an EOT may be the best solution for vendors looking at succession planning and transition alternatives. Containing lots of useful information and examples, this guide:
- Gives an overview of what an EOT is
- How an EOT can benefit both employers and employees
- Financing the EOT
- Role of EOT trustees