Euan Fergusson
Equity and Incentives Consultant | London (City)
+44 (0)20 7329 9090

Euan advises both corporates (including start-ups) and individuals on all legal and tax matters relating to the planning, implementation, and operation of equity based incentive arrangements. The scope of advice includes the establishment of employee benefit trusts.
Euan has been specializing in the area of equity based incentives since 1997. During this time, he has had experience of share plans from both an “issuer” and “advisor” perspective. His exposure to share plans started when he was the company secretary at a Lloyd’s insurance broker and it has continued throughout his subsequent career as a solicitor; having qualified with a “Magic Circle” firm in 2002. He has also spent three years working with one of the “Big Four” accountancy firms as a share plans’ adviser. Immediately prior to joining Doyle Clayton as a consultant in 2016, Euan had been employed for 8 years with an eminent international law firm which provided daily exposure to all aspects of the implementation and operation of UK national and international equity based plans.
Euan has regularly attended, and presented at, industry conferences in the UK, and elsewhere in Europe and the USA, for share plan professionals and advisers.
“It is his technical knowledge that makes him stand out.”