Academy Conversion Timeline

Example Time Line for Academies Conversion
Initial Preparation
- Register your interest on the Government website
- Your DfE project lead will be allocated to assist with the conversion process
- Meeting of Governing Body - obtain resolution to convert
- Prepare for your application: discuss finances with DfE project lead, consider legal advisors, obtain actuarial assessment and land registration documents
- Start statutory consultation with interested parties – staff, parents, pupils, the local authority and the wider community
- Can start informal employment consultation with staff
- Submit application to convert to DfE
- Academy Order issued approving application
- Appoint a solicitor if you have not already done so
The paperwork
- Apply for £25,000 conversion support grant and any other applicable grants
- Start opening bank account
Instruct your solicitors to:
- Set up the Trust by drafting the memorandum and articles of association;
- Draft the commercial transfer agreement (CTA);
- Draft the funding agreement;
- Complete the land questionnaire and agree leasing arrangement for school land and buildings;
- Advise on the formal TUPE process with staff
Start TUPE consultation
The final countdown
- Submit to DfE lead fully completed land questionnaire; draft memorandum and articles of association; and draft funding agreement.
- Register new academy trust with Companies House.
- Complete TUPE consultation.
- Complete statutory consultation (must be done before funding agreement signed).
- EFA provides school with indicative funding letter
- Meeting of Governing Body - to give final approval to conversion (including approval of the draft CTA and funding agreement)
- Confirm to DfE lead that CTA between local authority and academy trust has been agreed.
- Submit to DfE lead signed but not dated funding agreement and memorandum and articles of association and confirmation that leases and CTA signed by all parties.
- Send academy bank details to EFA and copy to project lead.
- DfE signs and seals academy funding agreement.
- Register Trust with the Information Commissioner’s office.
- Take out insurance.
- Carry out DBS checks.
- Notify exam boards.
- School opens officially as an academy.
- EFA sends welcome letter and information pack
- Submit support grant expenditure certificate
- Publish final funding agreement on website
- Complete land and buildings valuation (within 6 weeks of opening)
This time line needs to be tailored to your specific circumstances. It can be achieved in a shorter time period or may require a longer time period, depending on the circumstances.
The articles published on this website, current at the date of publication, are for reference purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your own circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action.