Safeguarding beyond Keeping Children Safe in Education

3 mins

Posted on 06 Mar 2025

Safeguarding beyond Keeping Children Safe in Education

Keeping Children Safe in Education has opened up schools’ eyes to compliance; but what you should be doing as a school is taking a large step back to make sure that any adult who comes into contact with a child is suitable.

Schools are good at references, DBS checks, the induction process, and appointing a Designated Safeguarding Lead, yet we know that pupils are still being abused. Why? Abuse happens in places you wouldn’t think about. Therefore, schools are encouraged to be diligent in all other areas as well.

What else can schools do?

Schools and colleges must maintain a central record of pre-appointment checks, more commonly known as “the Single Central Record”.

The Single Central Record must cover the following people:

  • for schools, all staff, including teacher trainees on salaried routes, agency and third-party supply staff, even if they work for one day
  • for colleges, details of staff, including agency and supply staff providing education to children under the age of 18; and
  • for independent schools, all members of the proprietor body. In the case of academies and free schools, this means the members and trustees of the academy trust.

It is vital to keep your Single Central Record regularly updated and when doing so you must consider your trips and activities, rental and hire agreements and your contractual arrangements with cleaners and caterers.

Organisations that you are commissioning may not have embedded the Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance into their operations and so you should always check. Think about how to apply safeguarding practically:

  • Check whether they are delivering services to children
  • Check what their safeguarding arrangements look like
  • Ask for a copy of their Managing Allegations Against Staff Procedures document
  • Ask for a copy of their Safer Recruitment Procedures, and
  • Ask for a copy of their Code of Conduct.

Working Together to Safeguard Children sets out that every voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE), faith-based organisation and private sector organisation or agency should have policies in place to safeguard and protect children from harm. This is important because although Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance may not directly apply to your bushcraft activity provider for example, or those leading your Duke of Edinburgh programme, the Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance does.

The key point is that Working Together to Safeguard Children applies to all UK organisations coming into contact with children. If you are commissioning a school trip or school activity with an organisation that is usually based in the UK, then that organisation should have already vetted the instructor appropriately in accordance with the Working Together guidance and all you need to do is ask the right questions!

Contact us

For information on how we can support you with safeguarding matters, please contact a member of the Education team or complete an enquiry form, below.

Amara Ahmad

Amara is one of the UK’s leading specialist education and children’s law solicitors. An expert in special educational needs (SEND) and safeguarding she works closely with parents, schools, and charities to ensure that children and young people receive the support that they need to reach their potential in education.

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