The strange case of Tech and Tony Blackburn: a timely reminder to review your social media policy
A somewhat curious pioneer of Twitter’s new live video streaming app, Periscope, Tony Blackburn’s impromptu live tour of the BBC is an unexpected reminder that you must keep social media and other relevant policies under regular review.
Tony Blackburn was so excited by the new app that he recently streamed a live tour inside the BBC’s Broadcasting House to anyone watching his feed, much to the chagrin of the BBC who had not given him permission. The Beeb had apparently just reviewed their social media guidelines a few weeks previously, but the technology of Periscope (and its rival, Meerkat) was, it seems, too new to be included.
Aside from potential breaches of client or employer confidentiality or intellectual property, employee or client privacy considerations, potential harassment, bullying or other misconduct situations arising from the use of live video streaming, it can be a force for good too. It could help promote your initiatives and help clients and the outside world get to know your team and your business. So bear in mind that what you want your staff to do should be just as, if not more, important than what you don’t want them to do. And remember – future-proof your policies as much as possible!
If you would like to discuss implementing new or reviewing existing social media guidelines or policies for your staff, please contact Declan Bradley or your usual Doyle Clayton contact.
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