Doyle Clayton Secures Settlement For James Esses

2 mins

Posted on 16 Aug 2024

Doyle Clayton Secures Settlement For James Esses

As a trainee psychotherapist, Mr Esses had campaigned against proposed legislation which in his view would have criminalised counsellors and psychotherapists who did not adopt a practice of affirming all children in their identified gender.

At the outset of the litigation, Mr Esses said:

“I hold gender critical beliefs: that sex is biological and immutable. This is particularly relevant in the field of psychotherapy because individuals with gender dysphoria need to be treated in a balanced and holistic way.

“For some, gender reassignment will be the appropriate treatment. For others, it will not. Careful and appropriate talking therapy allows each individual properly to explore underlying causes and options for their care.”

Commenting on the settlement, Mr Esses said: “Although I am not in a position to reveal the exact terms of settlement, I can say that I am extremely happy with them”.

He continued:

“Finally, after having the vocation I loved so much snatched away from me, and the years of abuse that have followed, I feel vindicated.

This, coupled with the outcome of my litigation against the UK Council for Psychotherapy, means that I have closure at last.

More importantly, I hope that this outcome will ensure that educational institutes think twice before doing to another student what was done to me.

I must thank my incredible legal team, Peter Daly and Akua Reindorf KC, who have been with me every step of the way”.

His solicitor, Doyle Clayton partner Peter Daly said:

“It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have represented James since the outset of this litigation, which has lasted more than three years. I am very pleased to see him come out of this process entirely vindicated”.

The statement from the Metanoia institute is here:

Press coverage is here:

The Guardian:

The Times:

The Daily Mail:

Peter Daly

Peter is one of the UK's leading employment lawyers and specialises in advising individuals as well as organisations.

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