
Collective consultation and fire and rehire: Government announces doubling of protective award but decides against interim relief remedy

£10,000 “manifestly excessive” injury to feelings award reduced on appeal
Increase in number of sponsor licences suspended and revoked: Implications for sponsors

Government Sets Out Legislative Programme in Queen’s Speech

Employer Could Not Rely on Final Written Warning Issued in Bad Faith

National Minimum Wage Penalties Increase From Today

Zero Hours Contracts: Exclusivity Clauses Banned From Today

New Laws Designed to Make Ownership and Control of Companies More Transparent

Attending Union and Health and Safety Meetings May Count as Working
The employer's guide to zero-hours contracts - as published in HR Magazine
Thank you for your consideration - as published in Tolleys Employment Law Newsletter

Mines Regulations 2014

European Court Confirms Employers Can Count Redundancies on a Per Establishment Basis

£19,500 Harassment Compensation for “Vulnerable” Zero Hours Worker

ECJ Decision in Woolworths Collective Redundancy Case Expected Thursday

Compensatory Award Cap Challenge May Go To Court of Appeal
The strange case of Tech and Tony Blackburn: a timely reminder to review your social media policy

Employment Tribunal Fees Challenge Continues

Election Manifestos: Issues for Employers
FCA performance management consultation and the role of human resources

Stuart Pearce Blows Whistle on Asbestos

Guidance on the Safe Use of Ladders