
Collective consultation and fire and rehire: Government announces doubling of protective award but decides against interim relief remedy

£10,000 “manifestly excessive” injury to feelings award reduced on appeal
Increase in number of sponsor licences suspended and revoked: Implications for sponsors

Early Conciliation Explained

Women on Boards: On Target for 25% by 2015

New Changes to Immigration Rules Coming into Force on 6 April 2014

New Home Office Fees From 6 April 2014 and New Expedited Services

2009 Health and Safety Poster Now Compulsory

Covert Recordings of Disciplinary and Grievance Hearings Could be Relied On

Drafting Error in Non-Compete Clause Corrected by High Court
Jennifer Nicol Comments in HR Magazine on Potential Headaches for Employers Due to Flexible Working Extension

Consultation on Replacement of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007

Consultation on Approved Codes of Practice on Work Equipment

ECJ Rules on Surrogacy and Entitlement to Maternity Leave

Employers Losing Tribunal Claims Face Financial Penalties

Occupational Pensions and TUPE: Change from 6 April

BIS Publishes Policy on National Minimum Wage Enforcement

Employment Tribunal Claims Down 79%

No Discrimination Where Employee Dismissed for Absence due to Post-Natal Depression

Wrong Starting Point Used for Calculating Protective Award

Higher Fees for Certain Employment Tribunal Claims

Children and Families Act 2014 Receives Royal Assent