Injury to feelings awards: Increases from 6 April 2018

1 min

Posted on 15 Apr 2019

The Vento bands used for calculating injury to feelings awards in discrimination claims have increased for claims presented on or after 6 April 2019.

The new bands are as follows: 

  • lower band of £900 to £8,800 (for less serious cases)
  • middle band of £8,800 to £26,300 (for cases that do not merit an award in the upper band) and
  • upper band of £26,300 to £44,000 (for the most serious cases)

Exceptionally, awards may exceed £44,000.  

The increases are in line with the increase in the Retail Prices Index. 

Injury to feelings compensation is also awarded in claims for detrimental treatment, where, for example, the treatment is on grounds of whistleblowing, pregnancy, maternity or other family leave or the exercise of working time rights (including holiday and rest breaks). The same bands apply in detrimental treatment cases.  

The articles published on this website, current at the date of publication, are for reference purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your own circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action.

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