Recent Cases

Tribunal wrong to decide that enhancing maternity pay but not shared parental pay was not indirect sex discrimination

Constructive dismissal: affirmation does not affect employee’s right to rely on employer’s previous conduct

When are dismissal notices effective?

Headteacher’s dismissal for failing to disclose relationship with sex offender was justified

Enhancing maternity pay but not shared parental pay is not direct sex discrimination

No obligation to revisit dismissal decision on learning of employee’s pregnancy

Collective redundancies: no priority treatment for pregnant workers

Employee with “pre-cancerous lesion” deemed disabled

Landmark Supreme Court decision on British Citizenship

Claim for negligent teaching against University of Oxford fails

Whistleblowing detriment claims: whose motive counts?

Post-termination losses recoverable in pre-dismissal detriment claim

Employer not fixed with knowledge of employee’s disability

Availability of injury to feelings compensation in detrimental treatment claims

Police force discriminated on grounds of perceived disability

No whistleblowing protection for employee concerned only for personal liability

Pro EU Citizen Rulings from Europe’s Top Court

Employer vicariously liable for employee’s personal data breaches

“Self-employed” worker entitled to 13 years’ holiday pay